05 February 2017

More Reviews & Interviews

Two O'Clock BoySo it’s been too long. A new year has rolled around. Two O’Clock Boy has got a new(ish) title and a brand new cover - you can’t have missed that, surely? It’ll be in the shops in two months - 6th April, so preorder your copy right now. This whole site in littered with opportunities to do that, so there’s really no excuse not to.

In the meantime, my debut novel has continued to pick up great reviews and I’ve even popped up on your desktop or mobile device on various sites chatting about this and that, but mostly that.

I know you will have kicked yourself for missing any of this stuff, so I’ve kindly summarised a few of them below.

Oh, but before that, do remember I’ll be appearing - along with a host of crime-writers - at Deal Noir on March 25th, 2017. It’s my second crime festival and I’m hugely looking forward to appearing - and signing a few books. You can get more details on the line-up of very talented persons right here.


‘In Flick and Ray he has created two characters that the reader will want to invest in.’ Ramblings Of A Frustrated Writer

‘Boy it was a good one.’ The Reading Shed

‘A compelling read.’ Reading Stuff ‘n’ Things

And here’s a review of the German edition of Two O’Clock Boy, ‘Ich Vergebe Nicht’...

‘Aber das letzte drittel hatte es in sich.’ Meine Kleine Welt


‘There will be murder and mayhem.’ Green acre Writers

‘My god, mother, the writing!’ Random Things Through My Letterbox

‘This year it’ll be mostly about the words.’ Nudge Books

‘I wanted to pound those different periods together like a pair of cymbals to the head.’ Chris High

‘The writing of this show is to die for.’ The Killing Times

And here’s an interview I did in German. True, is wasn’t exactly in German…

‘Oh mein Gott, was für eine Frage!’ ebook blog